First Baptist Church sponsors several missions and missionaries, near and far.
For recent newsletters on Google Drive, please click here.
For general information click on the links below.
Aspire Women's Center, Laconia, NH
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism / Larry & Jane Parks, Toledo, Spain
Berea / NH and ME
Bible Centered Ministries International / Lancaster, PA
Child Evangelism Fellowship of NH
Alice Childs / Florida
Lee & Joanne Freace / CrossWorld
Paul Meehan / Hungarian Literature Mission
Maranatha Ministries / New Durham, NH
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Dan & Heather Litchfield / Thrive
Reaching & Teaching International Ministries, Uganda / The Rattin Family
George & Kathy Ross / TransWorld Radio, Scottsdale, AZ
Ruth Batchelder / TransWorld Radio, NH
David & Martha Macomber / Texas